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30 Day Challenge: Day 11 (Oct. 11)

Good evening Lord Jesus, As I prepare to lay down for the night, strengthen me in my sleep to be bold and go out to the places that you send me.

Jesus in his prayer to the Father says in John 17:18, "As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world."  We are all sent by God as missionaries into our communities.  My definition of a missionary is “some who is willing to forsake everything but the Gospel for the sake of the Gospel.” So just go! Go sit at a Waffle House bar, hang out at Starbucks, go sit at a bar in a bar, go sit in your local emergency room or to a nursing home and talk and pray with people, walk your neighborhood, walk Walmart, walk at Big Springs Park, somewhere, anywhere, but just go!! Those places, those people that go there need your tangible example of Christ. And you need to get out and exercise your faith. We as Christians need to recover our "sentness" which is at the core of the Gospel and the Christian faith.   

This Sunday at Toney UMC we have our 10:00am service. Afterwards we are having a pot-luck lunch to get to know each other. Then we are going out and prayer walking our neighborhoods to get to know our neighbors. You are welcomed to join us. Or plan you own day out in the neighborhoods around your church.

Here is the link day 11 challenge:

If you would like more information, coaching, or mentoring on Discipleship, please contact me Gary Liederbach at