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30 Day Challenge: Day 20 (Oct 20)

Good morning Jesus, I begin my day in awe of the one died for me….

You may have noticed an underlying theme through these first 20 weeks. That of personnel implementation and application  of the life of Christ in your life.  I have two daughters who are now a sophomore and junior in college. As the begin their life away from home on their own will they continue to seek after God and attend church?  I pray they will.  And I have been preparing them not simply by teaching them my beliefs of God, who I believe God is from the pulpit and Bible classes, but also by getting them to see and experience who "their God" is.  The only way they will want continue to seek a deeper relationship with God through Christ is if they experience their salvation in a way that it does not become just "the Gospel of Jesus Christ", but "their Gospel of Jesus Christ."  Being a pastors kid won't, shame and guilt will improperly motivate them for a time, but it will never sustain them to follow Christ.  And these means will never motivate you to  continue to seek a relationship with God.  Sitting listening to sermons, in Bible classes, reading teaches on the Bible and Jesus are good, but what are you doing, how are you spending time, where are you going to experience, taste, see, meditate, fall in love, and come to know Jesus  in a personal way?  Post some ways you personalize and make the Gospel your own.

S.O.A.P.S is technique of reading scripture that helps you personalize and implement Scriptures into your daily life. 

Link to today's day 20 Challenge:  

I lead a SOAPS Bible group on Wednesday evenings at Toney UMC from 6:30pm-8:00pm. You are welcomed to join us! Start your own in your home!

The Biblical focus of this challenge is The Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew chapters 5-7. Spend time reading and reflecting on these chapters throughout the challenge

If you would like more information, coaching, or mentoring on Discipleship, please contact me Gary Liederbach at