New Discipleship 101 (D101) Training to begin in February!

Starting the first Sunday in February at Toney United Methodist Church I am excited that for 9 weeks in a row I will be leading another D101 training.  It is open to all to attend.

D101 is more than an info session and more than a training. D101 is time spent together in a small group were we will share life, read the Bible and pray together. We will share the Lord’s Supper, and spend time both gathered inside and out in our community. We will discern the core of our calling to Love God, Love our Neighbor, and make Disciples who make Disciples.  It meets for 9 straight weeks, once a week for 2 hours. I would love for you to attend and invite a family member or friend to attend with you. Contact me with any questions. 

Much love,



Details for Sundays all Feb. 3rd- March 31st

•        Time: 10:00am-12:00pm

•        Location:  Toney UMC, 5465 Old Railroad Bed Road

Toney, Alabama 35773.  Meet in the gym

•        What to bring: Bible, note pad

•        Who: All our encouraged to attend, invite friends.  Teenagers welcomed!

•        Children: child care provided, please drop of children, infants to their rooms before coming to gym,

•        Practical: Because of change, please come early to allow getting settled and starting on time.