Good morning Lord Jesus, you are my all and all, I want to be all you made me to be.

In my ministry with people and making disciples, wether they are brand new Christians, recovering addicts, seasoned church goers or those who are nominal Christians, the only real success I have found in people to conform themselves to the image of Christ, growing deeper in Christ, and discipleship are those those who commit to self-feeding in their faith.  The main purpose of the church is not to the sole source of feeding you.  Maybe for a short time when you first come to Christ to get you started, but every Christian needs to practice, develop and pour into being able to pick up a Bible, read it, hear God and be fed from it.  And devote themselves daily to a time of prayer.  

Allan Hirsch illustrates the church to a nursing mother. Many people view the church as a nursing mother where they come and suck and feed from it.  A mother breast feeds her child for 8 months to a year.  There is a trend today to go longer, but breast feeding for 4 years? 10 years?, if she does it for 15 years they are both going to jail!  The child needs to learn to feed themselves to grow up healthy and mature. His illustration is that so many Christians are latched on to a church like a breast with the mindset of a consumer child coming  that the church exists to feed them. Unfortunately, some churches and pastors instill that mindset in their parishioners.   

You want to see a real change, a real miracle in you life:

Get up Sunday morning (yes before church) and read your bible and pray for 30-60 minutes

Get up Monday morning and read your bible and pray for 30-60 minutes

Get up Tuesday morning and read your bible and pray for 30-60 minutes

Get up Wednesday morning and read your bible and pray for 30-60 minutes

Get up Thursday morning and read your bible and pray for 30-60 minutes

Get up Friday morning and read your bible and pray for 30-60 minutes

Saturday morning you could sleep in, but you get up in the morning and read your bible and pray for 30-60 minutes

Wether it is morning, afternoon, evening, if you dedicate yourself and commit your self to doing this, at the end of a month, 3 months, 6 months, you will see a real change, I would say a real miracle in your life. A change in your life only God can do as your life conforms more and more to Christ .  The miracle comes only from God, however only you can decide if you are willing to prioritize and invest the time in prayer and reading Scripture to receive it. 

Link to today's Day 21 challenge:  

The Biblical focus of this challenge is The Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew chapters 5-7. Spend time reading and reflecting on these chapters throughout the challenge.

Format reminder for the 30 Day Discipleship Challenge:

 Daily:  After reading my reflections, go to link for that day of challenge, read daily Bible passage and commentary, watch the 3-4 minute video, and then spend time in prayer over them and the completion of the action for that day.

Weekly: Pick a day that works for you and spend one day a week fasting in prayer over becoming a deeper disciple of Christ.

Frequently: Please Post a reflection, prayer , question, in the comment box below for discussion.

If you would like more information, coaching, or mentoring on Discipleship, please contact me Gary Liederbach at
