Gather or Scatter


Gather or Scatter

Last night during Community Dinners I looked at all the empty chairs that a hungry person, both from lack of physical and spiritual food, could be sitting in at our table and receive both foods.  During Monday Night Worship that followed I prayed over this and asked the Holy Spirit to help me discern why seats were empty.  He led me to this passage I was not expecting, as it was directed towards me. 

“Knowing their thoughts, he (Jesus) said to them,… “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”  (Matthew 12 :25, 30)

The persecuted church in China is growing, they are gathering.  One of the reasons when you look into it, is that every Christian there tells someone daily about Jesus.  They are compelled to share the Gospel daily with at least one person.  When asked why this is, they say that the Government officials and others who are persecuting them, throwing them in prison, and trying to eradicate the church, daily do not share the Gospel.  Each day our persecutors refrain from speaking the name of Jesus.  If there is a day we do not share the Gospel or tell someone of Jesus, who’s side are we on that day?  Who do we a line ourselves with, Jesus or our persecutors?  Are we on the side that gathers or scatters?  “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”  (12:30)  Jesus knows their thoughts.  He knows yours and mine as well.

If everyday you are nice to people, do what is right, treat them fairly and show them respect but never share with them the Gospel, your friends and popularity will increase, but your ministry will decrease.  You appear to be gathering, but to what?  You are in reality scattering. Jesus said when we come before him one day, “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me,” (Matthew 7:22)  His main and only concern is that you know HIM!  His heart is not about the nice things you did, but did you know him.  His desire for you is not to simply introduce people to kindness, but to introduce people to him!  What good will all the good you do for someone do if you never gather them to Jesus and they are scattered from his presence.

I hear people say, “Share the Gospel, and at times use words.”  When I hear this I sigh inside.  That is like saying “feed the hungry, and at times give them food!”  How wrong would it be to invite a person who is perishing from starvation over to your house for dinner, treat them kindly as a guest, share a delightful evening with them, yet never serve them a meal, then wave at them as they leave your home as starving as when they entered?  How wrong is it to invite a person who is perishing spiritually into a relationship with you, treat them like a friend, spend quality time with them yet never share the Gospel with them, then hug them before you walk away from them as spiritually dead as when you met them.?  Paul tells us, “Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved,” 1 Cor. 15:1-2

A church of 20 people commits like the Christians in China, to share Jesus with one person a day.  They each do this and fail 98% of the time to lead a person to faith.  With a failure rate of 98%, only a 2% success rate, at the end of one year that church would grow to 146 people.  If those 146 members share once a day, and still have a pitiful 98% failure rate, at the end of year 2 that church would have grown to 1,065 members.  Same failure rate, and at the end of year 3 it grows to 7,780.  Failing 98% of the time, at the end of year 4 it grows to 56,794.  And at the end of year 5 it grows to 414,596!!!  With a 98% failure rate! This is how the church in China is exploding.  This is how Jesus intended our churches in the west to explode.  You can’t build churches big enough and fast enough to keep up.  It is a spread of the Gospel walls can not contain!!! Guys we do not have to be good at it.  We can fail 98% of the time!  What we need to be is obedient.  What we need to be is not against Jesus, but with him.  We need to on the side that gathers, not scatters. 

Take time to pray this morning.  Read this passage again,

“Knowing their thoughts, he (Jesus) said to them,… “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”  (Matthew 12 :25, 30)

Reflect you life and level of obedience.  Who’s side are you on?  In what ways are you for Jesus?  In what ways are you against him?  In what ways are you scattering?  In what ways are you gathering?    Who is Jesus calling you to intentionaly gather?


Please share your thoughts and reflections in the comments box below.





What Shall I Come With?


What Shall I Come With?

“With what shall I come before the Lord,”  Micah 6:6

At house church last night with myself and the other 17 people gathered in my living room, I witnessed people coming before the Lord.   We began with a time of worship, prayer and sharing the Lord’s Supper together.   Afterwards, we read together Micah 6:1-8, Psalm 15, I Corinthians 1:18-31 and Matthew 5:1-12.  As the evening progressed from the groups sharing their reflections Micah 6:6,  “With what shall I come before the Lord” was what the Spirit had me meditate on.  What and how we are to come before God is so counterintuitive from what we think and how we come before God in allot of churches.

Gathered around my living room were 18 people who admitted they were broken.  There was a couple who just declared bankruptcy and were wearied from the struggle,  Two persons were unemployed and struggling to find work.  Another person who said they were having chest pains and would go to the doctor but they do not medical insurance and could not afford a doctor visit. Another family is challenged raising their four children while one parent is attending seminary.  Another person recently was laid off and is getting eviction notices from his mortgage company.  And Nancy and I who are challenged by my raising my own support to minister to those on the margins, Nancy working two jobs, and raising two daughters, one who is graduating high school this spring and college expenses looming.  Despite all our admitted broken condition we came before the Lord and his presence was real to us.

As we took turns going around the room reading the passages a few people struggled when it came their turn to read. Yet “with what you come before the Lord" with does not include being able to read well, to say lofty prayers or having an extensive knowledge of Scripture. “ There was a Holiness is the imperfection of the prayers and reading of Scripture.  There was a holy humility in reading out of a posture of weakness and awe instead of confidence and control. 

The Lord’s Supper was celebrated by a man who is unemployed and just recently has returned to seeking God.   He came before the Lord to break the bread and bless the cup yet he did not have a priest’s collar around his neck, he was not wearing clergy vestments, and he did not have a seminary degree. According to the religious disciplines of my denomination he is not authorized and prohibited to come before the Lord and celebrate Holy Communion.  However he came before the Lord without any religious status or qualifications and God still met him in his breaking of the bread and he was shaking as God’s grace over whelmed him, it was a holy and I believe a life changing moment for him.

As I sat there and this gathering of the church unfolded around myself I thought about how my understanding of “with what shall I come before the Lord”  was radically different by leading this church gathering then when I led traditional church services.  In those settings “with what I come before the Lord” would have been enforced in me based on my command of Scripture, my performance and inspiring words of my sermon, my privileged authority to celebrate the Lord’s supper, and my lofty words of prayer over the congregation. This gathering of church enforced in me the complete opposite. 

With what shall I come before the Lord with.”  It is not with the satisfaction of knowing you have regularly attended weekly church gatherings and Bible studies.  It is not with a level of entitlement because you serve on a church committee.  You do not bring into his presence a confidence based on you’re your competency in Scripture or command of prayer.  “God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.” (1Cor. 1:28)

Read this morning Micah 6:1-8, Psalm 15, I Corinthians 1:18-31 and Matthew 5:1-12.  Then prayerfully reflect on “With what shall I come before the Lord with.”




Listen and Do.

I am reading again through the OT books on the history of Israel found in Joshua-Ester.  This morning I started in 1 Kings.   “Be strong and become a man! Do the job the Lord your God has assigned you by following his instructions and obeying his rules, commandments, regulations, and laws as written in the law of Moses. Then you will succeed in all you do and seek to accomplish, and the Lord will fulfill his promise to me,”(1Kings 2:2-4)


Here we have the last words of a dying father, David, to his son, Solomon.  In his last lesson on raising his son to be a man, David reminds him of what becoming a man is about.  What does it mean to become a man, or a woman if he was speaking to his daughter?  Listening to God and doing what God tells you to do.  A man or woman of God is someone who actively listen’s to what God is telling them to do, and then does it.  Actively listens; meaning spending time searching the Scriptures, praying and fasting, and seeking mentorship and accountability.   And then when they hear what and where God is calling them to do or go, what the next right thing is for them to do, they obey and do it.


What is a Christian?  What is a disciple? Cut away all the religious fluff, hoops to jump through, and traditions.  A Christian, a disciple is simply; A person who listens to what Jesus is telling them to do, and then does it.


Jesus tells those who were following him, “…Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (Luke 11:28) = Blessed is a person who listens to what Jesus is telling them to do, and then does it.



God tells Abram, “When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am the sovereign God. Walk before me and be blameless. Then I will confirm my covenant between me and you, and I will give you a multitude of descendants.”  (Genesis 17:1)  “Walk before me”= Listens to what I am telling you to do, and then do it.


Short and simple blog today.  Spend time simply reflecting on:

Are you actively listening to God?

Are you doing what he tells you?


Please share your reflections with us in the comment box below.




A Good Friend


A Good Friend

Yesterday a good friend of mine, a brother in Christ lost his long battle with cancer.  His life and death have been the thoughts of my mind and reflection my soul.  We met for 2 years every Friday at the WH where he encouraged, motivated, prayed over me and held me accountable.  He was a tangible example of God’s grace to me, an undeserved gift.  He was a sound board onto which I would bounce my visions and ministry directions onto and off of for reflection. 

A few weeks ago I asked Larry and others in ODC to respond to four questions to assist me in gauging how effective my leadership in ODC has been in making disciples and as a church in the eyes of those who are members.  Here is Larry’s response to those questions.  As you read them, you will understandwhy I will miss my Friday mornings with him.

What has happened at your Church since last year?

The house church is operating effectively and determinedly as one; tested by fire.  A discussion of metrics such as membership numbers and finances is probably in order, but I can't help with that. I can say however, that people in the margins, whom Jesus called "the least of these" are hearing the Gospel.  They respond to the Good News because it is the power unto the salvation they desperately need, rejecting addictions and personal failures and sorrows.  I have observed that a cross dresser or a drug addict will get the same love, spiritual care, and plain spoken truth as a retired Service member, an insurance agent, or a housewife. People from all walks are also responding to Monday night community meals at Terranova's Italian Restaurant, and coming to house churches with stories of how they have been hurt or ignored in traditional churches.

I have fewer insights (or desire to access any that may be available) with regard to specific demographics for growth, dollars, baptisms, etc. than Gary may be able to reveal in pastoral consultation.  Instead, I can offer an observation that reflects the words of our Lord, who told us that the world will know us in that we love one another. The following metrics are transparently observable:

    *      Grace, peace, and forgiveness readily replace obligation, guilt, or religious demands

    *      Sacrifices are voluntary

    *      People are submitting to one another in love

    *      The community is being served in love with evangelism, meals, prayer and developing friendships

    *      Blessing and care for one another is passionate among the brethren

    *      Jesus is glorified in every situation; even in our failures and befuddlements

    *      The equipping of the saints is ongoing.  Evangelism, spiritual gifts, and healing, are sought with new zeal and

            supported with prayer and study of the Word


Where are you now as a member and a church?

As a member, I'm a wide eyed observer who loves the grace and love that we all enjoy. Before God, I must state that my most important role is to be a friend to Gary; to pray for him, speak the truth candidly, support his efforts when he is on track and kick him a little when he is off track or when he's consumed by any anxiety or non-productive emotion. So far, my kicking skills are diminishing from disuse.  I have also begun to disciple a few men in the fellowship whom the Lord has pointed out to me; an act of mutual submission and encouragement to good works.  Normal Christian stuff.

House church is alive and well.  The numbers fluctuate, but they are all but inconsequential for the discipleship training that is central to the work that Gary is doing (discipleship is for the willing, not the gold star earners).  Some new converts fall away from fellowship to the allure of their old sins. Many return, some don't - or haven't.  Some will come back with new strength; new resolve but under the threat of scolding or shunning.  Mature Christians are welcome and valued for their insights. So far, the wolves have been kept at bay.  It is a time of peace and personal growth with a focus on our Lord Jesus alone.

Where do you want to be?

I want to see what we are already doing to increase under the influence of the Holy Spirit, continuing to trust less in our plans, preparations and expectations than in what He produces. I believe that this is a season of equipping, but we dare not stop as equipped people to rest in our laurels. Instead, having freely received, we must continue to freely give of our gifts, inner healings, and insights to a hurting community.

What is holding you back from reaching your goals?

The work is not ours, but Christ's, so what would hold us back?  Could we fail? Of course we could. All it takes is sin, lies, bitterness, backbiting, wolves with false doctrine creeping in as brothers, or any number of things that the scriptures warn us of.

We could also find ourselves 'held back' by our own anticipations. If our goal is numbers, we will find disappointment at the door often enough. If our goal is to honest, pure time before our Lord Jesus, empowered by His presence where two or more are gathered, we do not fail, but rather participate in and yes, rejoice in low numbers as part of Gods design on any given week. We are the servants that sow, but God forbid that clever speech should bring the increase.

The thing I fear most is trying to act or perform like a "church" instead of HIS church, the body of Christ, made up of those whom He has called out loudly.  

On the other hand, the implied question appears to be, "What could be done to help?"  Resources are always needed by Gary for his ministry and it hurts me to see his struggle from lack of financial support and other resources.  It should flow down in support this GOSPEL INSPIRED, FIRST CENTURY MODEL of ministry that is still as much on the fringes of the American church experience as the desperate people it so often ministers to.  



Again, I will miss our discussions and his encouragement.  It was a tangible example of God’s grace.  Take time to reflect and prayer over this: To whom am I an encourager and a tangible sign of God’s grace?  Many of you reading these blogs do not attend ODC.  You all have pastors, priests, mentors, ministry leaders, friends, family who need ‘Larrys” on there life.  Who are the people for which you can say, “Before God, I must state that my most important role is to be a friend to Gary; to pray for him, speak the truth candidly, support his efforts when he is on track and kick him a little when he is off track or when he's consumed by any anxiety or non-productive emotion.” 


Please share any reflections from this blog in the comments box below.


Story Telling and the Super Bowl

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Story Telling and the Super Bowl

I watched parts of both NFL playoff games last night.  Both were great games!  It reminded me that in three weeks is Super Bowl Sunday. It is a day when millions of people will gather in homes and taverns to party, laugh, cheer, connect and share life together. It is one of the few days of the year that you have an excuse to invite people into your home, or accept an invitation into another home, and share stories and life together. Super Bowl Sunday is a required missional outreach event for ODC. Everyone needs to preferably host a Super Bowl Party or attend one. If you were looking for an excuse to invite your neighbors, co-workers, work-out friends, classmates, and others over to your house, Super Bowl Sunday is that excuse. It is also an excuse to accept an invitation into another’s home for their gathering. I do not care if you do not like football! Watch the commercials, eat the food, whatever. Like going to the Laundromat, flea market, or prayer walking the mall, it is an opportunity to encounter and enter into people’s lives in a real way.  Here is why.


 “Storytelling is powerful because it has the ability to touch human beings at the most personal level. While facts are viewed from the lens of a microscope, stories are viewed from the lens of the soul. Stories address us on every level. They speak to the mind, the body, the emotions, the spirit, and the will. In a story a person can identify with situations he or she has never been in. The individual’s imagination is unlocked to dream what was previously unimaginable.“

– Mark Miller


Story telling is powerful.” Obviously Budweiser has picked up on this in the last few years with their Super Bowl commercials.  They moved from the comedic frogs of Bud-weis-er to the now infamous stories of their heritage and horses.  Those are always popular each year. 

The reason is not merely because people love stories, which they do, but because story hits the heart and not merely the head.  And, because they know that the Super Bowl is a story on the biggest stage, if they can develop a story within the story, they’ll win the rigorous marketing wars between companies vying for your attention.

And, if they hit your heart, that’s what causes action.  We can all watch commercials that have facts about how this pill has caused people to lose weight, or how many dentists recommend this toothpaste, but that doesn’t move us…what moves us, is story, because it hits us deep in the heart.  This is why the Super Bowl is important, and this is what the Super Bowl is about.

This Super Bowl…like all others is filled with story and everyone wants to be part of it, talk about it, be around it because as football players will say, “The game is bigger than all of us.” Everyone wants to be part of a larger story, let’s use this opportunity as a door opener to the largest story ever told. How can we use the Super Bowl to simply point to the larger story of God without sounding like Westboro Baptist or the cheesy usher with a painted smile on his face?

Story telling is powerful.” Obviously Budweiser has picked up on this in the last few years, Christians need to pick up on this as well.


1. Throw a Party

For our family, we’d rather throw a party than merely attend one.  The reason is that it gives us plenty of ways to bless people and have them in our house.   I feel like I can be like the Apostle Matthew and invite three people to my party: my friends, my Jesus and His followers.

9 As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him.

10 Later, Matthew invited Jesus and his disciples to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. 11 But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with such scum?”

12 When Jesus heard this, he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.”

Matthew 9:9-12

When you invite others, you get to choose the crowd you hang with.   Usually, for Christians, this is a bad thing as we over filter who we invite.  But notice who was at Matthew’s party.  Scum, Jesus, disciples. All mixed, partying like it’s OO31AD.  The more this crowd, Jesus, followers and not yet followers hang, the better.


2. Encourage Story

Encourage story with everyone.  Walk around asking people “story” questions, or ask people, “have you heard his story, it’s awesome…”  Get your guests talking and listen.  You learn so much about them during these stories.  Be the story encourager at your party.  Ask questions like:

1  How’d you and your spouse meet?

2  Why did you choose your career?

3  Who is your favorite NFL team and why??

4  What do you like most about living here? 

Really, any open ended question will work.  It’s not to bait and switch them so you can talk about how unless you eat Jesus’ body and drink his blood you can never be one of his followers.   It’s so you can actually get to know them and their story so that when the opportunity comes, you know where their story needs redemption and who or what is their functional savior so you can point to the one and only Saviour who brings eternal redemption, now and forever. You’ll know how to serve them, love them and show them Jesus in the ways that will tell a story that will hit their heart. 

3. Go Overboard with Food

You ever been to a party where there isn’t much food?  Sucks.  Don’t be that party…be a party that points to the Great Wedding Feast.   Not only that, but take into consideration who is coming.  Ask if any have allergies, or a special diet.  When you take others into consideration, it shows you actually care and desire for them to be comfortable in your house.  It also gives you yet another connection point to their story.

Don’t supply all the food though.  Have people bring food.   We are having people bring a main dish.  The reason is that a main dish usually has a story behind it.  Either of how they grew up, who taught them how to make it or nothing at all.  But I usually simply ask, “Does this dish have any significance to you?”  You’d be surprised how much story can come from chicken salad. 

4. Ask the Spirit For Guidance

Who is pushing into you currently for relationship?  Ask the Spirit to show you these people.  Maybe for you it is your CrossFit gym.  Invited all 400 members.  You know that 95% of them aren’t going to come, but it gives you an open to invite them into a relationship with you, and is a personal invite.

 Ask the Spirit for time with those people who are personally pushing into you and your family for relationship so you can ask them personally as well.  For me, I don’t want them to merely get the Facebook invite, I want to ask them if they are coming and that it’d be great if they did.  Everyone I have been given by the Spirit, I’ve asked personally and everyone one of them are coming.  It’s awesome, even if one of them is a fan of my opposing team. 

But, don’t stop there.

Ask the Spirit for guidance on listening to their story at the party and what you should say, or how you should listen or how to encourage further relationship.  Remember, this isn’t about a football game, this whole day is wrapped up in story, so use this to learn other’s stories.   Maybe you do get into a deep spiritual conversation, but maybe you don’t.  Don’t beat yourself up. The Spirit will tell you when to speak, when to listen, when to keep it surface level and when to go deep.  Just because you don’t present all of the Romans’ Road to them doesn’t mean you should feel guilted and shamed.  The Spirit doesn’t guilt and shame you, that’s the devil’s game.

The more the devil can guilt and shame you the more you’ll have an agenda instead of listening to the Spirit on how to show off Jesus in the ways of Jesus in the power of the Spirit.  Sometimes silence is the loudest witness.  Don’t let the devil fool you into thinking you have to speak the name of Jesus at every party for it to be a “successful” party.   But, always be thinking, how can I make this party be a shadow of our celebratory God that wants everyone invited to his party?

Take some time this week to ask, “Spirit, how can I ensure that what I say and do Super Bowl Sunday will be a shadow of your Story” (It’s a good thing to do everyday!)

Listen.  Then obey what the Spirit gives you.

If you do that…no matter what happens, your gathering will not be a failure, but will have happened by the power of the Spirit to bring people along as far as he wants them to so they might know more about the only story line that ultimately matters. And who knows…maybe he’ll show you even more about his Story so you can marvel at how large his Story really is, yet how much he carefully and specifically loves and hears your specific “small” requests.

Please share your thoughts,  reflections, and maybe other examples of what you use to invite other people into your story.  Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

Begin The Year With A Gift!

I could use you’re the gift of your financial support for my family and those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support my family and ministries through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758.

Thank You!  



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O Death where is your sting?


O Death where is your sting?

In my blog on Thursday, “Big Faith,” I elaborated on the point that how the story of our life and others turns out on earth has nothing to do with whether God is glorified or not.  It may not have a happy ending on this side, but on the other side God is glorified. But whether it ends happily or sadly by earthly standards, cannot take away or hinder the glory that comes from big faith. God delights and honors that faith.   God delights and multiplying that kind of faith.  Faith that is exhibited in Immediate Radical Costly Obedience. 

My elaboration was illustrated to myself and others yesterday.  Yesterday (Saturday) morning myself and others from One Direction Community (ODC) had a service day and helped a man named Larry, who is a member of ODC and his family.  Larry has big faith.  Larry is dying from cancer.  Hospice has come in and doctors are giving him less than 3 months left to live. 

Larry is an amazing man of God.  I have been meeting with him every Friday morning now for almost two years in a band group for accountability in our lives and walk with Christ.  He has a prophetic spirit and is gifted in prayer, and his prayers have resulted in other’s lives having happy earthly endings by being healed.   So far his years of prayers over himself for complete healing have not been answered.  He was given less than a year to live several years ago and I believe that prayers have extended his life.

 Yesterday, after we finished our service work the family invited us into their home.  Larry was laying back on his recliner couch covered in a blanket with his wife at his side.  We sat around the room on the floor and chairs and shared a holy moment with him and his family.  He has a guitar and by his request I played and we sang “The Old Rugged Cross” and “Amazing Grace.”   Larry raised his hand in praise as he sang the hymns.  We laid hands on him and prayed, and we shared in the Lord’s Supper.  It was such an honor to see him and his wife clinging to the cup and bread as they gave the elements to each other.  Clinging to them and receiving them with tears in their eyes as the served each other.  Are they wearied and tired from their journey they now find themselves in?  Absolutely.  Has their big faith diminished by the suffering they have been and are going through, and what appears not to be a “happy ending” by earthly standards?  Absolutely not!  Even in his weak condition when Larry spoke of Jesus his eyes lit up!  Even weak as he is when he sang he lifted his hands in praise!

 I think most of us in that room, including myself had tears in our eyes as we witnessed this holy and sacred moment that we were so blessed the family invited us to participate in.  There is something extremely holy, extremely Christ-like, even victorious to be in the presence of a person who dies well in Christ.   A person who in the face of his situation, as Paul stated in 1Cor. 15:54-56, though they know they are perishing,

“The perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:

“Death is swallowed up in victory.”

“O death, where is your victory?

O death, where is your sting?”

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

 We all walked out of that home impacted and so blessed by the real “church service,” the real presence of Christ we had experienced and participated in.

 Please share your questions and reflections with us below in the comments box. 


Immediate Radical Costly Obedience


Immediate Radical Costly Obedience

Good morning,

This morning I am going to continue my pressing into our IRCO 111.1 covenant.  Multiplication is a critical aspect of discipleship.  Multiplying disciples is at the core of being a Christian. It is the DNA Jesus instilled in his disciples.  This same DNA was instilled in you when you accepted Christ as your Lord.  But here is the question you must ask yourself: Am I a disciple worth multiplying? God does not want to multiply all disciples, but those who are his true disciples. God does not want to multiply mediocrity. You must examine and improve your personal prayer life and level of discipleship before you can step into trying to examine and improve your communityGod desires to multiply those who exhibit Immediate Radical Costly Obedience (IRCO)


Immediate: Luther, Delay is the sharpest arrow in the enemys quiver

Radical: Rooted in Christ,  you will stand out to the world.

Costly:  not matter what is required.

Obedience:  If you love me, you will obey my commandments. (John 14:15)   Jesus replied, If anyone loves me, he will obey my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and take up residence with him. (John 14:23)


Throughout Scripture, Gods multiplication of disciples was achieved through those individuals who exhibited Immediate Radical Costly Obedience (IRCO).

One example is Abraham.  God chose Abraham to be the source of multiplication and blessing because he exhibited IRCO. 

·      Gen. 12:1-4.

·      I Abraham immediately leaves

·      R Because of Gods calling

·      C he leaves behind his comfortable life and everything he knows.

·      O He obeys God

“Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

So Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.”


·      Gen 17:9-11, 22-23. 

·      I that very day

·      R Because God said

·      C Circumcision required putting his whole life and heritage to risk.

·      O He obeyed what God told him to do.

“And God said to Abraham, “As for you, you shall keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you throughout their generations. This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you…. When he had finished talking with him, God went up from Abraham. Then Abraham took Ishmael his son and all those born in his house or bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham's house, and he circumcised the flesh of their foreskins that very day, as God had said to him.


·      Gen 21:8-14. 

·      I He arose early in the morning

·      R Based on what he heard from God

·      C it costs him his son

·      O he obeyed


“And the child grew and was weaned. And Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned. But Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, laughing. So she said to Abraham, “Cast out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac.” And the thing was very displeasing to Abraham on account of his son. But God said to Abraham, “Be not displeased because of the boy and because of your slave woman. Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you, for through Isaac shall your offspring be named. And I will make a nation of the son of the slave woman also, because he is your offspring.” So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, along with the child, and sent her away. And she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba.”


·      Gen 22:1-3.

·      I He rose early in the morning

·      R Because God told him

·      C he would sacrifice and lose his only  son.

·      O Still he obeted God.

“After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac. And he cut the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him”.


Open your Bible and read through these four stories in Genesis. Then take time in prayer to reflect. If you love God, you will obey what he commands, and his commands are not burdensome.  They are not legalistic or negatively obeyed, but obeyed out of love. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matt 19:29-30)


How is your love for God being expressed in your life through IRCO?


Please share you thoughts with us in the comment box below.



"Were an American Band"

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"Were an American Band"


This morning I look at the third "1" in our covenant of IRCO 111.1 which is "meet once a week in a Band with 1 or 2 people of the same gender for accountability.  This is a longer post as this is the one that most people are reluctant to obey.  The other two "1s" of fasting and one hour of prayer take commitment, however they can be done by yourself.  Committing to a Band weekly requires stepping out of your comfort zone and reaching out to one or two people and inviting them into accountability with you.  However, It is the most important "1" that encourages the commitment of the other two.


Bands and spiritual accountability are at the core of discipleship and Methodism.  The early Methodists were susceptible to friendship.  They liked it.  They sought after it.  They knew they could not live this kind of holy life on their own.  They could not hunger and thirst for God by themselves.  They could not maintain the Spirituality of the means of grace by themselves. They wanted and accepted friendship because they needed it.  

But it is a risky endeavor.  Even Jesus knew that when his friends betrayed him.  Will you get betrayed by friends as well?  I guarantee it.  By members of a small group, probably.  But we can’t throw away the baby with the bath water.  Personal accountability was what Jesus demonstrated as plan A for forming disciples in his church.   And their is no Plan B.  And Plan A is way down on the the list resources are spent on in most churches, tucked under a discipleship ministry. 

We are called to put our complete sufficiency in God, by trusting others.   It is a paradox.  Indeed we put our lives in the hands of God by putting our lives in the hands of others.  Through whom does God speak to us?  Through whom do we discern the moving and working of the Holy Spirit in our lives? Through whom do we overcome the fears that hold us back and overcome the deceitfulness in our own heart that clouds our vision from seeing what we are meant to be doing? Through friends.  This is why they got into bands and classes. Why they developed spiritual friendships.  Because they longed for the fullness of life.  They longed for the Zeal for God and neighbor and the salvation of the whole world.

Dallas Willard in his book the “Divine Conspiracy” states.  "I know exactly what is wrong with our making of disciples and ourselves becoming disciples.  The problem is not that we do not know what we need to do, we know what to do.  The problem is that we do not do what we know we are to do.  The problem is not that we do not know what we are called to be, but we do not seek what we are called to be."  I have probably not told you anything really new here or anything you did not already know.   You know it already!  You need to do what you know!   How do you overcome the perineal problem of being a hearer of the word but not a doer of the word?  The person in James’s Gospel, the Christian that looks in the mirror and says to himself, "What a fine Christian you are!"  "What a marvelous child of God you are!”  And then turns his back and walks out the door and lives just like everyone else.  I know of one way, accountability. 

We need deep spiritual friendships.  Joining with a few others in deep spiritual friendship who will help you take what you know you are called to be and motivate you to pursue what you are called to be for all it is worth.  That is why I believe so strongly we first need to all be in a Band and prayerfully support each other.   To share testimonies of how God is working, and encourage each other to embrace that need to look outside as well as inside and encourage us to ask, "Who do I need to share the Gospel with?" My ODC family and those reading this reflection.  I pray that you will pray, seek and invite one or two people into forming and beginning a Band with you this week.


Here is the ODC document on Bands.  It contains the explanation, format, and how you start and continue with a Band that we use.  Please feel free to copy, paste and use this document as needed in your church or ministry.  



 A BAND is made up of two or three people, all of the same gender, who meet weekly for 60-90 minutes for personal accountability for their spiritual growth and development.  It is recommended the group not grow past three but rather multiply into two groups of two once the fourth participant has proven faithful to the process.


·      A BAND is a simple way to release the most essential elements of a vital spiritual walk to people who need Jesus to change their lives from the inside out.  This tool empowers the ordinary Christian to accomplish the extraordinary work of reproducing spiritual disciples who can in turn reproduce others.


There is no curriculum, workbook or training involved.  There is no leader needed in the group.  A BAND is the simplest form of spiritual community and provides ongoing accountability to learn, obey, and pass on spiritual truth.  It incorporates the values of living a balanced spiritual life which results in the developmentand reproduction of disciples.


There are only two suggested qualifications for starting or joining a BAND group:

1. A desperate need for Jesus Christ (Luke 5:29-32).

2. Faithfulness in the process itself (2 Timothy 2:2).



BAND groups involve the sharing of an extremely personal nature.  It is imperative that you come to a clear agreement on the confidentiality of whatever is shared in the group.  Discuss the limits of confidentiality, (e.g., how things will be handled if information is revealed which involves the safety of someone or illegal activities).


Consider using 2 Timothy 3:16 as an outline for application to your life:

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. - 2 Tim. 3:16-17 (NIV)


·         TEACHING- what we should know

·         REBUKING- what we should avoid or stop doing

·         CORRECTING- what we should do differently

·         TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS- what we should begin or continue doing

Remember that accountability to Scripture involves not only applying it to one’s own life, but also blessing others by passing on to them what you are learning.  Always consider if there is someone outside the BAND you should be sharing spiritual truth with and make this part of the accountability process.


Be specific when developing an application plan.  Think through when, how, and with whom you will put what you are learning into practice.  Make sure to follow up with checking on progress in succeeding weeks.


FORMAT OF A BAND: C.H.A.T. with each other.




We are motivated by sharing struggles in mutual accountability.  Start the time together by going over the Accountability Questions with one another (45-60 minutes).




We grow spiritually as we read Scripture in context and in community.  Continue the time by discussing what the Lord has impressed on you from your weekly Scripture reading. Your group should read 20-30 chapters per week (e.g. read the book of 1 Samuel or read the book of Ephesians 5 times.)  Many people find it helpful to read aloud.  If you prefer to listen to Scripture, you can download the “World English Bible” which is a public domain audio version, for free at

If someone doesnt finish the reading in a given week then the entire group takes the same assignment for the following week.




We serve as we apply the truths of Scripture to living in love towards others day by day.  Live out what the Lord impressed on you in the reading to apply it to your life and pass the truths on to others (5-10 minutes).




We pray for those who need the Lord and reach out to them as we have opportunity.  Close in a time of prayer.  Pray for one another.  Part of this time should be praying for the lost friends, family, and acquaintances for whom the group has been praying throughout the week (5-10 minutes).


We acknowledge God in prayer and through our obedience.  In your time of prayer, do not forget to praise and thank the Lord for who He is and what He is doing in and through you as a group and as individuals. Remember to, your obedience (Act on it) to the Lord is worship!  (5 minutes)





These questions are to be asked of one another in a weekly meeting of accountability (Proverbs 27:17).  They are to stimulate conversations of character and confession of sin to God and one another in a safe environment which values honesty, vulnerability, confidentiality, and grace.

1. How have your insights from last weeks reading shaped the way you think and live?

2. Who did you pass your insights from last week on to and how was it received?

3. How have you seen God at work?

4. Have you been a testimony this week to the greatness of Jesus Christ with both your words and actions?

5. Have you been exposed to sexually alluring material or allowed your mind to entertain inappropriate sexual thoughts?

6. Have you acknowledged Gods ownership in your use of money?

7. Have you coveted anything?

8. Have you hurt someones reputation or feelings by your words?

9. Have you been dishonest in word or action or exaggerated?

10. Have you given in to an addictive (or lazy or undisciplined) behavior? 

11. Have you been a slave to clothing, friends, work, or possessions?

12. Have you failed to forgive someone?

13. What worries or anxieties are you facing?  Have you complained or grumbled?  Have you maintained a thankful heart?

14. Have you been honoring, understanding and generous in your important relationships?

15. What temptations in thought, word, or action have you faced and how did you respond?

16. How have you taken opportunities to serve or bless others, especially believers?

17. Have you seen specific answers to prayer?

18. Did you complete the reading for the week?



Each person in the BAND group is to list two or three individuals who need the Lords salvation.  Write down the names of all those identified in the group on each card so that all of you pray for each of the lost souls weekly.  Keep this card in your Bible as a bookmark for your daily reading so that each time you open your Bible you are reminded to pray for these people.  You can use one or two of the these verses daily in your prayers and insert the names of those you are praying for  into them. 

1. Lord, I pray that You draw _____ to Yourself (John 6:44).

2. I pray that _____hear and believe the Word ofGod for what it really is (1 Thes 2:13).

3. I pray that ______seek to know You (Acts 17:27).

4. I ask you, Lord, to prevent Satan from blinding _______to the truth (2 Cor 4:4; 2 Tim 2:25-26)

5. Holy Spirit, I ask You to convict _______ of his/her sin and need for Christs redemption (John 16:7-14).

6. I ask that You send someone who will share the gospel with _________ (Matt. 9:37-38).

7. I also ask that You give me or ______the opportunity, the courage and the right words to share with _________ (Col. 4:3-6).

8. Lord, I pray that ________ turn from his/her sin and follow Christ (Acts 17:30-31; 1 Thess 1:9-10).

9. Lord, I pray that _________ would put all of his/her trust in Christ (John 1:12; 5:24).

10. Lord, I pray that ________ confess Christ as Lord, take root and grow in faith and bear fruit for Your glory (Rom. 10:9-10; Col. 2:6-7; Luke 8:15).      

11. Lord, I pray that You draw _____ to Yourself (John 6:44).

12. I pray that _____ hear and believe the Word ofGod for what it really is (1 Thes. 2:13).

13. I pray that ______ seek to know You (Acts17:27).

14. I ask you, Lord, to prevent Satan from blinding _______ to the truth (2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Tim 2:25-26)

15. Holy Spirit, I ask You to convict _______ of his/her sin and need for Christs redemption (John 16:7-14).

16. I ask that You send someone who will share the gospel with _________ (Matt. 9:37-38).

17. I also ask that You give me or ______ the opportunity, the courage and the right words to

share with _________ (Col. 4:3-6).

18. Lord, I pray that ________ turn from his/her sin and follow Christ (Acts 17:30-31; 1 Thes. 1:9-10).

19. Lord, I pray that _________ would put all of his/her trust in Christ (John 1:12; 5:24).

20. Lord, I pray that ________ confess Christ as Lord, take root and grow in faith and bear fruit for Your glory (Rom. 10:9-10; Col. 2:6-7; Luke 8:15).


Brethren, my hearts desire and my prayer for them is for their salvation.

- Romans 10:1

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Satan Trembles When We Pray


Satan Trembles When We Pray

This morning I am am going to reflect on the second “1” in our covenant IRCO 111.1 which it to set aside at least once a week to spend one solid hour of more in prayer over your ministry and the ministry of our church. 

“No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by experience. Whenever I have prayed earnestly, I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes.” ― Martin Luther

“There is no power like that of prevailing prayer - of Abraham pleading for Sodom, Jacob wrestling in the stillness of the night, Moses standing in the breach, Hannah intoxicated with sorrow, David heartbroken with remorse and grief, Jesus in sweat and blood. Add to this list from the records of the church your personal observation and experience, and always there is cost of passion unto blood. Such prayer prevails. It turns ordinary mortals into men of power. It brings power. It brings fire. It brings rain. It brings life. It brings God.”….“Satan dreads nothing but prayer. His one concern is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, he mocks our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray.” Samuel Chadwick

Prayer is not a last desperate hope in a losing battle, prayer is the greatest hope on which all battles are won.  Prayer is the life breath of Christians and the church. We breath or we die, we pray or we die.Something miraculous and powerful happens through Gods grace in us when we set aside a large block of time of an hour or more to pray.  The enemy knows this and he will use anything from a dripping faucet to social media to interrupt it.  Some of us just have a hard time focusing on prayer for an hour and our minds drift and wonder.  Don't get discouraged, keep at it!

As a prayer aid I am giving you a great tool for prayer I received from Curtis Seargent, it is the Prayer Wheel. The Prayer Wheel divides on hour of prayer into twelve, 5 minute long each sections. The prayer Wheel is a wheel or pie that has 12 slices. Each “slice” is 5 minutes long. It aides you remaining focused in praying for n hour by breakingthe hour down into 5 minutes sections.  I have listed the 12 sections of the Prayer Wheel.  Before you begin set the timer on your phone for 5 minutes or look at you clock.  Then begin and spend 5 minutes in #1. Praise.  After 5 minutes move to #2 Waiting.  Continue praying this way through #12 and your hour of prayer will be complete.  You can modify the time per section to 2 minutes each if you are at lunch or only have 30 minutes to pray, or add minutes to each section if you have more time to pray.

I pray you will commit to spending at least one solid hour a week in prayer.  I would recommend you watch the movie “War Room” which is a great movie on the power of prayer.

Please share your comments on prayer.  I would also love to hear reflections from those who have spent an hour of time using the Prayer Wheel.



Start your prayer hour by praising the Lord. Praise Him for things that are on your mind right now. Praise Him for one special thing He has done in your life in the past week. Praise Him for His goodness to your family. (Psalm 34:1) 


Spend this time waiting on the Lord. Let Him pull together reflections for you. Think about the hour before you and the things you want the Lord to do in your life. (Psalm 27:14) 


Ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything in your life which might be displeasing to Him. Ask Him to point out attitudes that are wrong, as well as specific acts for which you have not yet made a prayer of confession. Now confess that to the Lord and claim 1 John 1:9 so that you might be cleansed for the remainder of the hour before you, and then pick up and read the Word. (Psalm 51:1-19) 


Spend time reading promises of God in the Psalms, in the prophets, and passages on prayer located in the New Testament. Check your concordance. (Psalm 119:97) 


This is general request for others, praying through the prayer list, the prayer cards, or personal prayer interest on behalf of yourself and others. (Hebrews 4:16) 


Specific prayer on the behalf of others. Pray specifically for those requests of which you are aware. (Romans 15:30-33) 


Now take the Scriptures and start praying the Scriptures as certain sections of Psalm 119 lend themselves beautifully to prayer expression. (Psalm 119:38-46) 


Spend these minutes giving thanks to the Lord for things in your life, things on behalf of the church, things on behalf of your family. (Philippians 4:6) 


Take your hymnal and sing a prayer song, sing a praise song, sing a song regarding soul winning or witnessing. Let it be a time of praise. (Psalm 59:17) 


Ask the Lord to speak back to you and keep a paper and pen handy, ready to relate the impressions that He makes upon your life. (Psalm 63) 


Spend time merging the things you have read from the Word, the things you have prayed, the things you have thanked the Lord for, the things that you have been singing, and see how the Lord brings them all together to speak to you. (I Samuel 3:9-10) 


Praise the Lord for the time you have had to spend with Him. Praise Him for the impressions that He has given you. Praise Him for the prayer requests He raised up in your mind. (Psalm 145:1-13)


Is This Not The Fast I Choose?


Is This Not The Fast I Choose?

I am up in Cleveland helping visiting parents  Posts may be a little sporadic the next few days.  18 degrees and snow!  Brrrr!

  I will continue my reflections on our IRCO 111.1 covenant.    To be disciples of Christ who are encouraged to exhibit Immediate Radical Costly Obedience 1: Committing to fast one day a week in prayer over your indwelling of the Holy Spirit, your ministry, and that of the church. 1: Committing to spend at least one solid hour a week in un-interrupted prayer. 1: Meet one time a week in a Band with 1 or two other same gendered people for true accountability. .1: Tithe at least 10% to the ministry of Christ and The Church.

I am going to look at the first "!" in 111.1, fasting one day a week.. When I reflect on fasting, I always start with Isaiah 58.

"Cry aloud; do not hold back; lift up your voice like a trumpet; declare to my people their transgression, to the house of Jacob their sins.
2 Yet they seek me daily and delight to know my ways, as if they were a nation that did righteousness and did not forsake the judgment of their God; they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near to God.
3 'Why have we fasted, and you see it not? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you take no knowledge of it?' Behold, in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure, and oppress all your workers.
4 Behold, you fast only to quarrel and to fight and to hit with a wicked fist. Fasting like yours this day will not make your voice to be heard on high.
5 Is such the fast that I choose, a day for a person to humble himself? Is it to bow down his head like a reed, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Will you call this a fast, and a day acceptable to the LORD?
6 "Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
8 Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
9 Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, 'Here I am.' If you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,
10 if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.
11 And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
(Isa 58:1-11 ESV)

God, when I read your inspired words through Isaiah,  I understand the fast that You choose for me is a fast from my flesh, a fast from selfishness and self-centeredness. It's a fast that frees me from the tyranny of my self and turns my heart to the things on Your heart.

Give me Your heart, Lord. Open my eyes to see the needs of those around me and fill my spirit with the power to do something about it. Give me time and passion for people in the ways that I can make a difference. Let me be part of the move of Your Spirit in my city and spheres of influence to rebuild the "ancient ruins," to "raise up the foundations of many generations" and "be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets" (v. 58:12).

Fasting is not about ancient rituals or even faithfully executing spiritual disciplines. Fasting is about putting You first, as Your Spirit overcomes my flesh so You can change the world around me through my life. This is the fast You choose. So by the power of the grace of God at work within me, let this be the fast I choose. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My ODC family, and those reading this, I pray that you will be faithful to our 111.1 covenant and begin fasting one day a week. I pray we will not be a church with a prayer ministry, but a church that fasts and prays. I pray the Holy Spirit gives you eyes to see the needs of the world around you and the power to do something about it in your spheres of influence today.

P:lease share your thoughts and experiences on fasting in the comment box below.



Definition of a Disciple


In my post Yesterday Asked you to covenant with me this year in I.R.C.O. 111.1 as a means  to intentionally become more of a disciple of Jesus.  We hear that word disciple allot now days in a church.  To become a disciple, you have to first answer the question, "What is a disciple?" At One Direction Community (ODC) this is our definition of a disciple.

ODC Disciple Definition

A disciple is a committed apprentice of the Lord Jesus Christ who is growing in Love for God and others, sent out to make disciples, all through the power of the Holy Spirit.

…a committed apprentice… of the Lord Jesus Christ

ODC’s definition of disciple rests on the confession of the earliest Christians: Jesus is Lord.  If Jesus is Lord, then no one and nothing else can be. This implies exclusivity: Lordship excludes all other claims to loyalty; and totality: there is no area of life that is not under the rule of God. Jesus modeled total submission to his Father to the exclusion of all else and expects his followers to do the same. This is not something we can do by ourselves. We need each other and the power of the Holy Spirit.

…growing in love for God

We recognize discipleship as a life-long process of growing… becoming more and more like Jesus. As God reveals thoughts, attitudes, and actions that are not “Christ-like,” a committed apprentice responds by changing to be more like Christ.

The ongoing growth process is a series of baby steps of immediately obeying everything we hear Jesus commanded us to do.  His first command was to love God.

Loving God includes all that we are (our soul), the expression of our emotions (heart); the exercise of our will to obey what Jesus commands (strength), and the content of our thoughts (our mind). It is not hard to see why loving God is a process that can be costly, or that seems radical. Nevertheless, it’s what Jesus expects of His followers, His disciples. (Matt 22:37)

…growing in love for others

ODC wants to form disciples who are growing in love for God (through Immediate Radical Costly Obedience) and others (by putting them first). (Mat 22:39)

Loving others extends beyond warm feelings or treating people with simple courtesy (although that is not a bad place to start). It involves listening (for many people, being heard is so close to being loved that they can’t tell the difference). We notice their needs, and take time to meet those needs by serving them.

Loving others by serving them often means inconvenience, and the sacrifice of personal time and resources. Radical hospitality… inviting our neighbors to enter into our lives… sets people at ease and fosters trusting relationships. “Welcoming the stranger” demonstrates our love for God by extending His love to those who are right in front of us.

Loving others by the practice of seeing them spiritually through the eyes of God. If we want to minister to them as Jesus would, we need to be able to see them as Jesus does.

….sent out

Jesus exemplified the Missio Deo or “The Mission of God.”  That is the spreading of the gospel that the Kingdom of God is at hand and ushering in that good news in a tangible way.  Just as God sent Jesus in to this world to proclaim this gospel, Jesus sends us out to proclaim it as well (Joh. 17-18).  Disciples are to be missionaries.  Missionary defined as someone who forsakes everything but the Gospel, for the sake of the Gospel.  Discipleship is actively following Jesus through the presence of the Holy Spirit out into their neighborhoods and communities. (John 17:18)

 ….and making disciples

Jesus’ last commandment to his disciples was for them themselves to go and make disciples. (Mat 28:19)  His commandment applies to all of us as well.  It is a good thing when we come to know Christ.  It is a better thing when we lead someone else to Christ.  It is the Greatest thing, the most Christ like thing, when we lead someone to Christ and disciple them so that they then lead someone to Christ.  Moreover, the goal of discipleship is to become the most Christ-like.

…through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, this definition of disciple reveals our total reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit for transformation and growth.

A core value of our House Churches is that truth is revealed through the study of scripture, in community with others, under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Gifted teachers and great curriculum are valuable but can never replace the Holy Spirit’s work in exposing the truth of scripture. Reading a few verses directly, without external commentary, allows the Holy Spirit to flow through multiple believers whose various personal experiences, traditions, reason, and spiritual gifts reveal the simple and obvious meaning of the text.

How do you make a disciple?

First and for most in my desire to make disciples is to personally answer this question, “Am I a disciple worth multiplying?” God does not desire to multiply mediocrity.  He desires to multiply those who exhibit Immediate, Radical, Costly, Obedience.  Discipleship is the act and process of modeling and conforming yourself to Christ.  I have come to understand that there is no “easy button” to achieve this; to become or make a disciple.  It requires reading Scripture more than I ever have before, praying more than I ever have before, and being openly accountable to others in the body more than I ever have been before.  How I become or “make” a disciple is simple, but it is not easy.  If I am not willing to consistently embrace and model this, then I cannot effectively lead others to become disciples.  I cannot lead them to a place I myself am not willing to go.  And no program, training, technique or tool I try to use can replace lack of obedience.  Am I a disciple worth multiplying?

Takes some time this morning and meditate on  your level of discipleship and what becoming a disciple means to you.


Please share your reflections below as in the comment box.



Jesus and Abraham Lincoln


Jesus and Abraham Lincoln

“When Jesus entered the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the disorderly crowd, he said, “Go away, for the girl is not dead but asleep.” And they began making fun of him” (Matthew 9:23-24)

Curtis Sergeant is an amazing man who has planed thousands of churches around the world, and consults with NGOs (Non Government Organizations and CPMs (Church Planting Movement) leaders around the world.  He told me the story of when he was over in Asia in a secret location, where CPM leaders had gathered from around the world to pray, train and equip each other.  Curtis said they had just gathered, when news came to one of the leaders that two of his church planting operatives in a city had just been put to death.  The leader told Jesus he had to go back immediately.  Curtis told him he was so sorry for what had happened, however he said all who had gathered had traveled great distances to get here, and great security and secrecy had been in place to allow this meeting to happen, could the leader just stay for a few hours of a day and fly back tomorrow.  The leader looked at Curtis and said, I need to go back now to pray and see if Jesus will raise these dead men.  Curtis thought to himself what he would do if a couple of his operatives were martyred and put to death.  He would notify their family of the incident.  Inform his board and discuss who they would send in to replace them.  Contact the media to control and get a media story out.  However, flying out immediately to go see if Jesus would raise his dead operatives back to life would not be on his list.  The leaders faith and expectancy of the poser and ability of God both amazed and convicted him.

If I were to ask you, ask those in the church the question, How many believe that God can raise the dead?” I think most if not all hands would go up.  If I asked the question, “How many expect to see God raise the dead today?”  Many fewer, if not all hands would remain at people’s sides.  Having a belief that God can raise the dead and expecting that God will and is raising the dead are two very different things.

Our simple, maybe even strong belief for many in the church that God can raise the dead comes out of our cognitive brain. It is a fact or data we hold to be true.  It is like our belief in the fact that Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the USA.   What impact does your belief in the fact that Abaraham Lincoln was the 19th president have on your live today?  None.  What does your simple belief that God can raise the dead have on your life today?  None.  The churches simple belief in the fact or truth that God can raise the dead has not and cannot impact on our daily life today without an expectancy that God will and is raising the dead today. 

In Matthew 9:18-26 is the story of Jesus raising a young girl back to life.   When Jesus tells them he was going to raise her back to life the crowd around him did not believe or support him but they laughed at him.  If someone told you after the death of someone that they were going to pray and see if God could raise them from the dead, and if they asked you to come pray as well, would your thoughts be similar to those of the crowds? 

The church is the place that professes Jesus is Lord, but it does not do “Jesus is Lord” well.  Can I say that?  We say Jesus is Lord the same way we say Lincoln was the 19th president.  We say it absent for the most part of any expectancy of power and presence in our lives.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism in which I am an ordained clergy said before he died looking into the future of the church, “I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid, lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case, unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out.”

Read Matthew chapters 8 and 9 and see the expectancy and power of Jesus.  Then I am asking you to enter into a discipleship covenant with me in 2017 of I.R.C.O. 111.1

Immediate: Do not delay on what you hear God calling you to do. “Luther said,          “Delay is the sharpest arrow in the enemies quiver.”

Radical: Rooted in Christ and imitating him and him alone.

Costly:         No matter what the price or requirements

Obedience:  In every area of your life, Jesus is Lord. “If you love me, you will obey my commandments.” John 14:15

1: Commit to fast one day a week in prayer over your indwelling of the Holy Spirit, your ministry, and that of the church.

1: Commit to spend at least one solid hour a week in un-interrupted prayer.

1: Meet one time a week in a Band with 1 or two other same gendered people for true accountability.

.1: Tithe at least 10% to the ministry of Christ and The Church.

The next few days I will expand on this discipleship covenant of IRCO 111.1I want to encourage and awaken a movement of God in your life and your community full of power and expectancy!

Please share your thoughts and reflections in the comment box below.


Strive for Hope


Strive for Hope

As we reflect back on the birth of Christ and Christmas, and look ahead to the coming New Year, remember God’s complete desire, that of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is for us to be one with him, and as importantly, one with each other. The Casting Crowns lyrics come into my head. “Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth, would care to know my name, would care to feel my hurt.” But as hard as it may seem sometimes, He does!  At Christmas in Christ we see God’s desire to know us and be known by us.  Our relationship with our God is not like that of other religions of one of master to slave. Or like the beliefs of others of a vague form of deism where God is “out there”, detached, and impersonally directing the universe. Our God, The God, desires an intimate relationship with us, one in which we know and desire Him intimately as well. Jesus tells us, “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends (Joh 15:15). How remarkable is that! “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Gen 1:27 ESV) How amazing is that when you wrap your head around it!!

And God Proved his desire to have an intimate relationship with us, to be one with him, through the incarnation of His Son, Jesus the Christ. God sent the Son to be born of a woman. He walked this earth, lived our life, bore our sins, carried our cross, suffered, was crucified, died, descended into hell, and was raised from the dead to create and restore a path, a way for us to an intimate, loving relationship with a God who intimately, madly, loves us. SOOOO LOVED GOD THE WORLD, (you and I ), that he sent His Son to demonstrate it. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

However, The works of Jesus on the cross and the salvation and oneness with God it made available to us is not the end into itself. Jesus’ hope is for our oneness with him to be an “unto” something else. Jesus tells us,

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. You are my friends if you do what I command you. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. As God sent me into the world, so I have sent you into the world. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” (John 15:8, 9, 14,12; 17:1)


Reflect on the hope of Christmas.  “What is the hope you as a Christian are striving for throughout your life in the world today?” As the new year approaches, “What is the hope you plan to seek and strive for in 2017?


Deliverance and Protection


Deliverance and Protection

"For he will order his angels to protect you in all you do.” Psalm 91:11

Last couple days I have had allot to reflect on.

Tuesday my daughters Paris, Milan and a friend where headed north on 65 and were a little south of Nashville. They were on their way to Wilmer Kentucky to visit friends they made their while I was in seminary.  Paris was driving, Milan in passenger seat,  and friend in back seat. Around 11:00am while Paris was switching lanes their car hydro planed. The car left the highway, crossed the medium grass strip and went into the south bound lane. It struck the rear of car going south.  This caused thier car to jump up and it jumped over the guard rail of the south bound lane.  It flew over the small trees on the side of the freeway, and over and down a steep embankment.  Car rolled 5 or 6 times and came to rest on its roof and passenger side. Thank God they had seat belts on.  Paris's belt snapped after the first or second roll and Milan held on to her as they flipped.  They all yelled. “We’re dead” as they flipped. Paris ended up on dash in windshield. Milan went through passenger door window when car stopped on that side.    A truck driver saw wreck and climbed down embankment and helped pull them up out of driver side window.  They were all able to walk up hill!!!  


I got a call from my daughter and Nancy I drove up there.  They were taken by ambulance to the hospital. From rolling all those times they are bruised.   Paris's head and face hit car and is swollen.  Milan hit her head as well  At hospital they ran x-rays and CT scans on them but they all came out good.  So after observing them for  a few hours for concussions they released them. All three of them are shaken up and bruised and have knots on their heads.  They also have abrasions from seat belts and car. However, God's favor was with them. No broken bones, no cuts, no stitches, no internal injuries.  Every window in car was broken and it was full of glass, but in all the tumbling none of the were cut by it.  It was a miracle.  If the car had rolled 3 feet to the right they would have went over a 60’ ravine to the river below.  Angels definitely guided the car.  We are praising God. 


We got home around 10:00pm that night.  Paris and Milan have been sleeping allot and chilling on the couch.  They are black and blue and sore. Car is totaled, they have a story to tell, but they are alive and on our couch!  Again praise God!!  The police and EMT could not believe they were not severely injured. They said they were very lucky, we know they were very blessed!


At our house church last night we read Psalm 91 and reflected on the sovereignty of God and the protection available to those who “have taken refuge in the Lord” Psalm 91:9.  We also shared and encouraged each other with our personal stories of divine intervention and rescues by God.


Read Psalm 91.  Then take time to reflect on your personal stories and those you know of protection and rescue by God.  May it be a time of encouragement for you.


Please share your reflections and stories below in the comment box.





Direction of God


Direction of God

This morning’s reflection flows out of a conversation I had with a person about “this world is not my home” and his yo-yo struggle between turning towards God and turning towards the world.

This morning’s reflection contains diagrams and is a little more structured than most, however I wanted to make what I was saying more understandable.

Most people have this paradigm and diagram on their life as it relates to God and the World.  Allot of churches teaches this diagram.  They feel they are caught in the middle between the two pulls of God and the world.

God <-----------Them -------------> World

God  <------------Them:   At times they feel they move in the direction of God and God is moving close to them.  They attend a spiritual weekend or retreat, participate in an amazing prayer or worship gathering, or something else they feel moves them closer to God and in the opposite direction of the world.

Them --------------> World:  Then they feel they slip back into the world and its daily life, struggles, and temptations.  As the world pulls them towards it, they feel they are being pulled away from God.  Moving towards the world they feel necessitates them moving away from God.

God <---------> Them  <----------> World:  Because of this diagram people have embraced of their life, they live in this constant struggle and strain of the tug-of-war of being pulled into God and being pulled towards the world.   Moving towards God requires moving away from the world.

However this diagram is not correct. Nor is it Biblical.  The whole movement of God as John 3:16 states and the salvation plan of God in Christmas and the incarnation of Jesus reveals is God moving into the world.

So let me show you what I believe is the correct diagram:

   ------------>  God ------------>    :The previous diagram focuses on us. First, take ourselves out of the center and move God into the center were he belongs. 

      ------------->  God ----------->   World:  Second: the mission of God, the movement of God, and the movement of the church is into the world, not away from it.  God did not come into the world to set up sanctuaries, his light hid under a basket separate from the world,  but to set up mangers, his light in the world.

Us------------->  God -------------->  World:  We are to move in the direction of God who is moving into the world.  The mission of the church is to join in the Missio Deo, the mission of God which is to reach every nation, tribe and tongue, (Rev. 5:9) with the Gospel and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19).  “As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” (John 17:8)

We are called through the means of grace of prayer, searching the Scriptures, fasting, and sharing the Lord’s Supper to move more intimately into God to join in his mission of moving more intimately into the world.  If you attend a church service on Sundays, you are moving towards God.  If you when you leave you isolate yourself from the world, you are moving against God.

Read the Gospels and look at the examples of Jesus’ life..  Read Philippians 2:5-7.  Then pray and reflect over what diagram controls your life. During this season of Christmas where we celebrate the movement of God into the world, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you how you can more fully join in this movement of God.


Please share your thoughts and questions below.



Impossible Made Possible


Impossible Made Possible

“And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  Luke 2:10-11


For God to take on flesh and the birth of Jesus to take place, it required everything that was impossible to be made possible.   With the birth of Jesus, everything that was and is impossible in your life is now possible.  In the birth of Christ, all that humanity hoped for became a reality.  Today all that you may have settled for as the reality in your life can now be changed by the hope of Christ.  In the Christmas story, we see a few small things, done by a few small people, in a few small places that launched the kingdom of God.  In Christ’s story for us, he has a few small people, doing a few small things, in a few small places that continue his movement of God.


Intimidating dreams and visions of God entered into by the meek, insulted the visions of mankind and the proud.  If you are not entering into dreams that are intimidating to you, you very well may be insulting to God.  I pray this morning as you remember and celebrate Christ coming into the world, I pray you will be reminded that Christ celebrates you, and of the hope joy, and unlimited possibilities of the Christ in you. 


Here is one of my favorite 3 minute videos on the possibilities of Christmas.


Much love and Merry Christmas,






“After he came down from the mountain, large crowds followed him. And a leper approached, and bowed low before him, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” He stretched out his hand and touched him saying, “I am willing. Be clean!” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.” (Matthew 8:1-4)

In Matthew Chapters 5-7, The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus declares how his kingdom will be a reversal of many of the cultural norms, teachings and religious traditions of Judaism the people held and followed.  He taught them many of the reversals: Mourn-Comforted, meek-inherit, hunger-satisfied, blessed-persecuted, do not break you oath-do not make an oath, eye for an eye-turn your cheek, hate your enemy- pray for your enemy…ect.

Immediately in the first verse of chapter 8, he does not just declare the reversal his kingdom requires, he demonstrates it.  Jesus has an encounter with a leper.  Those with leprosy in that time were outcasts of society.  They were labeled “unclean” and had to walk around shouting “Unclean!” wherever they went.  Uncleanliness was a huge issue in Judaism.  It is at the core of many of the teachings in Leviticus and controlled much of the daily life and rituals of the Jews.  The Jewish religion and  the people held the deep belief that if something clean touched something unclean, the clean became unclean.  If someone or something that was clean, touched or contacted something that was unclean, some sort of ritual purification was required to make the clean person or thing that was now unclean because of contact with something unclean, clean again.  And until the ritual was performed to make you clean again, your were shunned and isolated from your community.

In Matthew 8: 1-4 we find Jesus followed by and in the middle of a large crowd.  An unclean leper, shouting “unclean!, unclean!” somehow makes it through the crowd and approached Jesus.  Jesus finds himself face to face with this leper in the middle of the large crowd.  The leper asks Jesus to heal him.  This story is also told in Mark 1:40-42.  In Mark it states Jesus was“Moved with compassion.”  In most translations of this story in Matthew the Greek word ἰδού (idou) is not translated because it has no exact English equivalent here.  It means something like a deep sigh or a gasp.  The leper knelt before Jesus and as he looks around at the crowds and how this poor person has been shunned, he sighs deeply as this is not how his people were supposed to have acted.  Then Jesus does something un-thinkable.   He touches the leper.  Jesus was the only one who sighed or gasped when the leper kneeled in front of him, but I guarantee you everyone in the large crowd, sighed, gasped, and shrieked when they watched Jesus touch the leper.

And here was the great reversal; In Jesus touching the leper, something clean touched something unclean and the clean did not become unclean, the unclean became clean!  This was huge!  It struck at this foundation understanding in Judaism.  Jesus forever changed that paradigm to something clean touching something unclean makes it clean!

Jesus came to the earth, was incarnated in human flesh and became Immanuel, God with us, so he could intimately embrace that which was unclean and make it clean.  And praise God he included me in that embrace and he includes you!  And we who have been embraced by Jesus and made clean, were not made clean to be set aside, and congregate with the clean in sanctuaries, but embrace the unclean in mangers.

 Read Matthew chapters 5-7 and look at the reversals Jesus’ sermon was declaring his kingdom required.  Read Matthew 8:1-4 and see the reversal Jesus demonstrated.  Then pray and reflect on how Jesus, moved with compassion,  stretched out his hand and touched you when you knelt before him in an unclean, broken state and spoke over you, “I am willing. Be clean!” (Mark 1:40).  You are called to carry Christ into your community and embrace those that are unclean and make them clean.   Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what traditions, cultural norms, religious practices you are clinging to that are keeping you from embracing the unclean and need to be reversed.  Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you those in your community you are called to embrace.

Jesus came to the earth, was incarnated in human flesh and became Immanuel, God with us, so he could intimately embrace that which was unclean and make it clean.  That is the message of Christmas.  That is a message we all need to hear, be reminded of, and obey.

Please share any reflections of comments you have in the comments box below.




What an idiot!

Good morning,

I have fixed all my email and web domain issues and I will begin again posting my blog of my daily time in the Word.


I have spent the last couple weeks reading and re-reading through Matthew chapters 5-7 and Jesus teaching or sermon on the mount. It is an amazing sermon, and I agree with those who heard it and exclaimed, “When Jesus finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed by his teaching, because he taught them like one who had authority…”v.7: 29.  I think if everyone read these words from Jesus one a week and tried to apply them a little more each week they as individuals, the church, the world would be a transformed.


If churches used this sermon in in their intro or “101” classes people deciding to become a member of the Church would understand more clearly what they were signing up for and the level of commitment and discipleship required.


I read the verses 7:13-29, the closing remarks of Jesus in his sermon, and Jesus almost harshly, in-your-face, lays down the truth and reality of following him:


“But the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life, and there are few who find it. “V.14


“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” V.19


“Not everyone who says to me, ʻLord, Lord,ʼ will enter into the kingdom of heaven - only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” V.21


“Then I (Jesus) will declare to them, ʻI never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers! V.23


“Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the flood came, and the winds beat against that house, and it collapsed; it was utterly destroyed!” vs. 26-27


I think to myself, “What was he thinking?”  “What kind of idiot pastor would end his sermon like this?!?”  If I closed a sermon with those words today, my days behind a pulpit would be few.  My congregation would leave.  I would be labeled a hateful fundamentalist.  How have we drifted so far that Jesus words are insulting?


   Jesus was so un- politically correct.  There is nothing “attractional” in the summation of his sermon. There is nothing “fair” in his words.  He is not influenced by culture.  No universalism of paths to salvation or saviors.  His truth is consuming. His truth confronts and challenges and strips away any form of complacency and comfort, any notion that anything less than total surrender is acceptable.  Anything less than going completely all-in, than complete obedience is an option.  Saying Jesus is Lord, demands conforming to all the attributes of the source of that lordship, the life of Jesus.


Read Matthew chapters 5-7 today.  As you prepare to celebrate the incarnation of Jesus the Christ into the world, and reaffirm his Lordship into your life, into your home, and bow and call him Lord, I pray you understand what his kingdom

And Lordship looks like.  May the Holy Spirit truly prepare your heart , soul and being, may he “make straight the path” in you to acknowledge Jesus and all his attributes as your Lord.


Please share your thoughts as a comment below.




Identity Declaring


A little longer post today, but I have been reflectiong on it for a couple days now.

We are preparing to Celebrate Christmas, and Emmanuel, God with us. From his birth in a manger onward, Jesus became central to the identity of the church. Christians have always agreed that the church is all about Jesus—her very existence, identity, purposes, and functions are all completely bound up with this person who is at the core of it all.  He is our Founder, Redeemer, Lord, and our Head. 

If Jesus is God’s will in human form and the perfect expression of his nature, then we cannot bypass him and still remain in the Faith. Even our understanding of God is fundamentally changed by his birth: Whatever we now seek to know about God must pass through the lens of this particular person—Jesus the Messiah.  Jesus is “the Father’s ‘summary statement.”  Or as we put it in theological language, “Jesus is preeminent.”  To get a feel for the importance of this, listen to Paul who in order to communicate something of the revelation derived through Jesus and this meaning on the church, had to resort to some pretty dense theological statements.


13 "He [God] has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 15 He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by and through him all things were created everything in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he existed before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the ecclesia (church). He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. 19 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. (Col.1:13-20)

The ecclesia (church) therefore ought to be the one place in human existence where Jesus is to be taken with the utmost possible seriousness, enough to make him central to absolutely everything Christ-ian.  For all Christians salvation depends on identifying with Christ. Christian Identity follows from Christian faith.  Who could deny this?  And yet, the church has consistently failed to fully represent Jesus in the world.  As Alan Hirsch puts it, “One can perhaps say that any church is dysfunctional to the degree that it lacks focus on Jesus.  In other words, the lack of Jesus ethos and presence lies at the root of all dysfunctional religion.”

Religion has a way of marginalizing the central role of Jesus in the life of his people—apparently he is too difficult to deal with.  You might think that all this is basic Sunday School and goes without saying.  But it’s truly astounding how churches forget their very nature and purpose as Jesus’s people.

Jesus is, and must remain, the defining criterion for everything important about the church.  Where else can we go to gauge whether we are truly Christ-ian people and we are truly witnessing to the Jesus revealed the Gospels?  Are we really consistent with the ethos, teachings, model, and agenda of our Founder?


Paul states, “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care.  For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1Cor.3:10-11


Therefore, any attempt to circumvent or diminish the "preeminence of Jesus" in our lives (individual and communal), means that we inevitably end up with something far less than what God intended through us first place.  We are either defined by Jesus or we are not.  And history is clear when we are not defined and shaped by Jesus, other cultural and spiritual forces quickly will fill the gap and we move to becoming a false, illegitimate, and toxic religion.


By declaring our identity in Jesus, we clarify the most important aspect of the church…that it consists of the people who are redeemed by Jesus, who belong to Jesus, are led by Jesus, and are willing to be defined by Jesus in every way possible. 

"We are being transformed into his image from one degree of glory to another. This comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2Cor.3:18).

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of the one who's identity will define our Christian faith, take some time today to reflect on, "Am I willing to be defined by Jesus in every way possible?"


Please share your thoughts or comments.




Christmas was a Missional Movement

I spent time again in the stories of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1:18-2:12 and Luke 1:5-2:2It is a story of heaven and earth missionaly moving, going out. being sent to people and places to achieve and present the saving grace of God in Jesus the Christ.  Angels going out to Marry, Joseph and Shepherds. Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem.  Shepherds and wise men going to see the babe in the manger.  God, through the power of the Holy Spirit going to earth and being incarnate in Mary and becoming God in flesh.  Christmas was a missional movement.  From its very inception, Christianity was meant to be a movement of God.  We today are called and sent into this movement of God.

Danny and Karen are two members of ODC who understand Christianity and the church is a movement.  For several months now, every Sunday, they have been faithfully going to the Limestone County Flea Market.  They started simply prayer walking the market, seeking to see where the Holy Spirit is moving in the place and praying with those who run the booths.  Over the months of them going to the Flea market, relationships and friendships began to be made.  At times they were frustrated by a lack of response, but they cried out to God and asked him to move through this market.  God saw their faithfulness, heard their prayers, and answered them.

I received this email from Danny and Karen two days ago.

“Today we went to the flea market and prayed with several people.  The Lord moved in a couple of new ways today, it was all him.  First, Aldeleta met us and said she wanted to begin a house church in her home.  She has several friends she will invite.  We plan to start the week after next.  She lives in northwest Huntsville.

Secondly, we met Bill Edwards, the manager of the flea market.  We had seen him walking around before, and the Lord told Karen that we should talk with him.  We did and he is a believer and was very receptive to us.  We prayed for him, his business there, and a prayer request he had.  He invited us into his office and asked if we would like to have a service at 8am on Sundays for the vendors before they set up.  Someone had done that in the past, but did not do it any longer. We hope to start next Sunday.  He gave us his card, so we will contact him this week and confirm everything.  

It was a great day there.  However, business is slow and a lot of the people are discouraged and need the Lord's help. It is a fertile field for his spirit to work.” 


Danny and Karen came over to my house yesterday and they shared their excitement with Nancy and me.  We praised and prayed!  This Sunday at 8:00am they are starting a new ODC gathering of worship and prayer.  Next Thursday they are launching a new house church plant in Huntsville.  I am so proud of them!   My role in leadership at ODC has always been one more of a coach.  The whole reason why we do not do church focused on one person with pews facing forward in a classroom setting, but do House Churches, Community Dinners, Bands, and Discipleship 101 trainings is to train, equip and encourage people to take the field, enter their community, and make disciples of Christ.

Danny and Karen were not dependent on their pastor, or ask where or how they can serve or be missional in their community.  They prayed, looked for an un-reached people group in their community, and then exhibited Immediate Radical Costly Obedience, and as “sent ones” went out.  I did prayer walk with them a couple times in the beginning, however this outreach is a result of their faithfulness.  It did not depend on or only happen if the “pastor” was with them.  They knew the Holy Spirit was with them, and that was all they needed.  As a result, this Sunday morning at 8:00am I am going to attend and support a new missional church plant of ODC.

Read Matthew 1:18-2:12 and Luke 1:5-2:2.  Reflect on the movement of God in the story and in Danny and Karen’s story.  Church is not a facility or a location, it is a movement.  Pray over where is the “manger” or “stable” you are called to hang out at, prayer walk, and be the incarnation of Christ in your community.

Please share your reflections or questions as a comment below.